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1. Copyright

The copyright of all articles published Novecento belongs to their respective authors. Every issue of Novecento and each individual article published in Novecento, with the relative illustrations, is published under a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license.

2. Author’s costs

There are no costs to the author.

3. Share

Anyone can share (reproduce, distribute, communicate to the public, exhibit in public, represent) the article or journal by any means and in any format if they comply with the following conditions:

BY – Attribution. They must recognise the authorship of the author/authors;
NC – NonCommercial. They cannot use the material for commercial purposes;
ND – NoDerivatives. They cannot modify and then distribute the material.

4. Rights of secondary publication and self-archiving

The author, therefore, like anyone else, is free to archive his/her article, without any embargo. Any form of archiving or republication must be accompanied by the words: “The final version of the article, published in Novecento, is available here (link to the URL of the article on the website)”, and it must mention the type of license under which it is distributed (published under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license).


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